Because this weak-kneed simpering about parties working together is as good as saying, "Okay, Republicans and conservatives and neo-cons who got us into all these g--damn messes: Why don't you all just take over..."
Jeff Madrick on the Deficit Commission's "surprise" end-run recommendations (New Deal 2.0):
The current White House proposal is not merely preposterous, it will be a disaster economically if anything remotely like it is passed. It is a nation running backward in defeat, not looking forward to the challenges of a new century and rising competition around the world.
"...a superficial and purely symbolic crusade that would do more to damage states than it would to cut spending."
Replace "states" with "nation," and you could say the same thing about the Social Security-slashing fetish you and yours share, Mr. McConnell.
Robert Borosage, on what may be the most important piece of post-midterm polling I've seen -
Not Your Mother's Conservatives (so suck it and stick to baseball, George Will).
Elsewhere, in DADT, the gays, the military and etc.:
On Gay Bullying and DADT: Cindy McCain vs. John McCain, in which the platinum blonde gets her man-pants on and directly contravenes her crotchety old husband, who seems like he should be standing on his incongruously green Arizona lawn with a garden hose in hand, threatening those dang kids who mock his sock garters as they whizz by on their sk8boards.
Aaron Sorkin sez
Bumper-Sticker Patriotism Is No Way to Honor Our Veterans. I have always will always agree. Put down yer pom-poms, self-righteous warmongers.
FREEDOM OF TEH INTERTUBEZ IN DANGER. This ain't just about the rassin-frassin' anti-Net neutrality boobs. (You can click through to a petition from the article.
Tubby Limbaugh and
Glenn Beck are so classy. But then, you already knew.